Wednesday, April 1, 2009

SVN: Revision 9

This is basically a bug-fix revision, though it adds also a new class TCommons to support the method flickr.commons.getInstitutions.

The fixed bugss were:

  • In TFlickrEx.SetSignAll, no assignment was being made to FPrefs.SignAll. It was not a big issue since all the methods in the group flickr.prefs.* are signed anyway.
  • The other bug, however, was an insidious one: {$DEFINE DELPHI} had gone missing, which in turn made Delphi skip DefaultAuthorize at compile-time, thus making impossible to authenticate a user unless you already had a token or assigned a handler to TFlikrEx.OnAuthorize

That and a little source cleanup aside, the most important change in this revision is that the example Uploader is now fully functional, albeit still a little rough and bare. This is it in action:

Rawflickr: Upload example

Uploads seems to be the second most asked quetion, the first being how to authenticate users: this example deals with both.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

SVN: Revision 7

Oops! Something happened before the previous commit which not only resulted in the changes not being incorporated to the trunk (and leaving the unit uncompilable) but also in reverting my working copy to the old revision.

Thank goddes I was still in deep mode and could reincorporate all the mods to the source and commit it again.

I think the problem had to do with editing the file outside Delphi (in the TSVN diff view) while it was still unsaved in the IDE.

It may have been a PBKC or a bug in JCL but no matter what, I guess it'll never happen again :-)

SVN Revision 6

Commited my working copy to the repository yesternight.

There were not many changes in the source: beyond a couple bugs corrected, the most important is the update of TUploadr.Upload to synch it with the Flickr API.

If you look into the repository, you'll see that there is also a new folder: examples. It contains just one program: a simple demo of photo uploads (which is why I updated the library :) ), but I'll add some more examples to it when I can.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

DOC: Porting guide

Uploaded the (still incomplete) Poritng Guide to the site home (at Google Pagea).

While the guide is intended to help in porting Rawflickr to other platforms, it might also prove useful to normal users, since it describes with some detail the structure and inner workings of the unit, and has a list of dependencies.

It doesn't replace the lost User's Guide, of course, but it'll have to do until I rewrite the later.

In other news, Spring is almost here, which means I'll have a little more time to code for pleasure (rather than hunger :). This, of course, affects Rawflickr, which is one of my pet projects. :-D

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Status update

I've been quite busy in R.L. but things seem to be calming down again and I've had a little more time to dedicate to Rawflickr, so an update will be coming soon (probably around the middle of next month) and I'll also (re)write the beginners tutorial I lost the past year or, at least, add some examples of use to the library sources.

In the meantime, I'd be more than glad to hear from people using this library; sometimes one needs a little ego boost. :)